Dart – Count the occurrences of an element in a List

In this example, I will show you some different solutions to count the occurrence of an element in a list:

1. Loop the list and count
2. Use list.where( ) method
3. Use extension

void main() {
  List<String> letters = [

  print('1. Count occurrences using loop:');
  print('Letter \'a\' appears ${countOccurrencesUsingLoop(letters, 'a')} times');
  print('Letter \'b\' appears ${countOccurrencesUsingLoop(letters, 'b')} times');
  print('Letter \'f\' appears ${countOccurrencesUsingLoop(letters, 'f')} times');


  print('2. Count occurrences using where method:');
  print('Letter \'a\' appears ${countOccurrencesUsingWhereMethod(letters, 'a')} times');
  print('Letter \'b\' appears ${countOccurrencesUsingWhereMethod(letters, 'b')} times');
  print('Letter \'f\' appears ${countOccurrencesUsingWhereMethod(letters, 'f')} times');


  print('2. Count occurrences using extensions:');
  print('Letter \'a\' appears ${countOccurrencesUsingExtension(letters, 'a')} times');
  print('Letter \'b\' appears ${countOccurrencesUsingExtension(letters, 'b')} times');
  print('Letter \'f\' appears ${countOccurrencesUsingExtension(letters, 'f')} times');

int countOccurrencesUsingLoop(List<String> list, String element) {
  if (list == null || list.isEmpty) {
    return 0;

  int count = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
    if (list[i] == element) {

  return count;

int countOccurrencesUsingWhereMethod(List<String> list, String element) {
  if (list == null || list.isEmpty) {
    return 0;

  var foundElements = list.where((e) => e == element);
  return foundElements.length;

int countOccurrencesUsingExtension(List<String> list, String element) {
  return list.findOccurrences(element);
  // OR
  // return ListExt(list).findOccurrences(element);

extension ListExt on List {
  int findOccurrences(String element) {
    var foundLetters = this.where((letter) => letter == element);
    return foundLetters.length;


1. Count occurrences using loop:
Letter 'a' appears 6 times
Letter 'b' appears 4 times
Letter 'f' appears 0 times


2. Count occurrences using where method:
Letter 'a' appears 6 times
Letter 'b' appears 4 times
Letter 'f' appears 0 times


3. Count occurrences using extension:
Letter 'a' appears 6 times
Letter 'b' appears 4 times
Letter 'f' appears 0 times
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